کد bk-36934  
نوع کاغذی  
عنوان Integration of Handicapped Children in Society  
نویسنده James Loring  
نویسنده Graham Burn  
ناشر Routledge  
سال انتشار 1975میلادی  
نوبت چاپ 1  
تعداد جلد 1  
زبان انگلیسی  
قطع وزیری  
چکیده Book Description
First published in 1975, this book looks at the place of children with handicaps in society, at that time. It argues that in the thirty years previous, a great deal of progress was made in the field of rehabilitation but that the separation between handicapped people and the community was still a challenge. A strong range of contributors discuss approaches to the problem focusing on education, employment, and daily life. Topics covered include the social aspects of integration, through the problems of the multiple-handicapped child, to a survey of disabled students at universities and polytechnics in Great Britain.

Table of Contents
Contributors; Introduction 1. Social aspects of integration Margaret R. Morgan 2. A research study on the integration of physically handicapped children in ordinary primary schools Elizabeth Anderson 3. The future place of the handicapped in society Jack Tizard 4. An exercise in integration Pauline Skelly 5. Designing for physically handicapped children- are you on the right level, Mr Architect? Brian Goldsmith 6. The problem of the multiple-handicapped child James Loring 7. Preparing handicapped children for life Anita Loring 8. An individual programme of behaviour modification Lillemor Jernqvist 9. Integration of the maladjusted John Wilson 10. Emotional problems of the limb deficient child Ian Fletcher 11. Physically handicapped children in an ordinary primary school- a new dimension K. W. Foster 12. Visually handicapped children in the infant school Heather Jones 13. The social and educational problems of the young spina bifida child K. M. Laurence and E. R. Laurence 14. The teacher and the handicapped child D. N. Thomas 15. The multi-handicapped child in a boarding school for cerebral palsy R. A. Pedder 16. The special school as a normalising agency D. Braybrook 17. Integrating handicapped children into ordinary schools C. L. Frost 18. Description of a current survey of disabled students at universities and polytechnics in Great Britain Alan Chamberlain 19. A philosophy for life for 16-25-year-old physically handicapped children Marc Gicquiaud 20. The young adult and his desire for integration E.E. Doherty 21. A consumer’s viewpoint June Maelzer 22. To be in society or to be beside it Gun Anderson  
تاریخ ثبت در بانک 10 مرداد 1399