کد bk-31316  
نوع کاغذی  
عنوان Assistive technology in the classroom : enhancing the school experiences of students with disabilities  
نویسنده Amy G Dell  
ناشر Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall  
محل نشر Upper Saddle River, N.J.  
سال انتشار 2008میلادی  
نوبت چاپ 1  
تعداد جلد 1  
زبان انگلیسی  
قطع وزیری  
With an emphasis on the integration of assistive technology into the curriculum, this text focuses on how assistive technology can be used in schools to enhance the teaching and learning of students with disabilities. This link between technology and teaching and learning drives the book's organization as well as its content. It is organized by school-related tasks that students must perform on a daily basis to be successful -- reading, writing, practicing academic skills, and communicating with their teachers and peers? and presents descriptions of technology-based solutions to the obstacles students with disabilities face in completing these tasks. Since being able to access computers is one major barrier, the text features a section on making computers accessible to students with a wide range of disabilities. A companion web site offers up-to-date information on product names, vendors, web site addresses, and other time-sensitive material

Includes bibliographical references and index

Section I: Benefits of Computer Use in Special Education -- Introduction to Assistive Technology -- Focus Questions -- Introduction -- What is Assistive Technology? -- The Legal Basis for Assistive Technology -- Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 -- Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 -- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) -- Brief History of Assistive Technology -- Universal Design and Universal Design for Learning -- Summary -- Suggested Activities -- Assistive Technology to Support Writing -- Focus Questions -- The Context--Process Writing -- Problems Students With Disabilities Have With Writing -- Technology Tools That Support The Writing Process -- Sidebar: Low-Tech Adaptations That Support Writing -- Pre-Writing: Graphic Organizers -- Drafting -- Evaluating What was Written -- Editing and Revising -- Sharing/Publication -- Technology Tools that Support Note-Taking -- Technology In Isolation Will Not Improve Students' Writing -- Summary

Suggested Activities -- Computer as a Reading Tool -- Focus Questions -- Introduction -- What We Know About Teaching Children To Read: Evidenced-Based Strategies -- Findings of the National Reading Panel: Topic Areas -- Reading Problems In Students With Disabilities -- How Technology Can Address These Problems -- Learning to Read: Computer as a Remediation Tool -- Phonemic Awareness and Phonics -- Reading Comprehension -- Finding Interesting Reading Material on the Internet -- Reading To Learn: Computer As A Compensation Tool -- Sidebar: Low-Tech Adaptations That Support Reading -- Scan/Read Systems -- Alternative to Scanning Text: e-Text Nimas/nimac -- Scan/Read for Students who are Blind/Visually Impaired -- Other Compensatory Reading Tools: Recorded Books -- Other Compensatory Reading Tools: Adapted Books -- Decision-Making: Instructional Tool or Compensatory Tool? -- Summary -- Suggested Activities -- Technology as a Tool to Enhance Communication -- Focus Questions -- Introduction

The Importance of Communication--Part 1 -- Problems Students With Physical Disabilities Or Autism Have With Communication -- Problems Resulting From Communication Problems -- Assistive Technology that Provides a Voice -- The Importance of Communication--Part 2 -- Students Who Are Deaf/Hard Of Hearing -- Background Information -- Communication Problems in School -- Technology Tools that Address These Problems -- Hearing Lectures with Assistive Listening Devices -- Types of Assistive Listening Devices -- Interacting with Teachers and Peers Outside of Class -- Summary -- Suggested Activities -- Computers and the Internet for Teaching Content Areas -- Focus Questions -- Introduction -- Addressing the Needs of Students with Disabilities -- Features of Instructional Software and Web-Based Learning Activities -- Software and Web-Based Activity Selection -- Software Selection: Focus on Math -- Sidebar: Low-Tech And Mid-Tech Adaptations For Teaching Math -- Software that Teaches Math Skills

Software Designed Specifically for Students with Disabilities -- Functional Skills -- Using the Internet as a Teaching Tool -- Internet Accessibility -- Computer Technology Supports Universal Design for Learning -- Authoring Software in Special Education -- Summary -- Suggested Activities -- Section II: Access to Computers -- Providing Access to Computers: Using What You Have -- Focus Questions -- Introduction -- Universal Design -- Accessibility Features for Users with Disabilities -- Keyboard Modifications and Mouse Control -- Sticky Keys -- Slow Keys -- MouseKeys -- OS Modifications for Students with Sensory Impairments -- Hard of Hearing and Deafness -- Visual Impairments or Blindness -- Summary -- Suggested Activities -- Assistive Technology for Computer Access -- Focus Questions -- Introduction -- Low-Tech Adaptations for Computer Use -- Keyboard Labels -- Selecting/Pointing Devices -- Keyguards -- Moisture Guards -- Alternate Input Devices -- Mouse Alternative -- Trackballs

Joysticks -- Touch Screens -- Head Pointing Systems -- Eye-Controlled Systems -- Alternative Keyboards -- Expanded Keyboards -- Mini-Keyboards -- One-Handed Keyboards -- On-Screen Keyboards -- Customizable Keyboards -- Single Switches for Scanning and Morse Code -- Speech Recognition. -- Alternate Output Devices -- Screen Magnification -- Screen Readers -- Refreshable Braille -- Braille Embossers -- Summary -- Suggested Activities -- Issues in Selection of Access Method(s) -- Focus Questions -- Introduction -- Assistive Technology Decision-Making -- Hallmarks of Exemplary Assistive Technology Decision-Making and Assessment -- Use of a Team Approach in Assistive Technology Assessment -- Focus on Student Needs and Abilities -- Examination of Tasks to be Completed -- Consideration of Relevant Environmental Issues. -- Trial Use of Assistive Technology -- Providing Necessary Supports -- Viewing Assessment as an Ongoing Process

Resources to Guide Assistive Technology Consideration and Assessment -- Quality Indicators for Assessment of Assistive Technology Needs -- Education Tech Points for Assistive Technology Planning -- SETT Framework -- Summary -- Suggested Activities -- Section III: Augmentative Communication -- Selecting and Designing a Student's Augmentative Communication System -- Focus Questions -- Introduction -- Considerations in Selection and System Design -- Myths and Realities Regarding Consideration for Augmentative Communication -- Who Should Assess?: Collaborative Team Assessment Approach -- How Should the Team Assess? Features of the Collaborative Assessment Process -- What Components Must be Identified? Symbols, Vocabulary and Access Method -- Symbol Systems -- How is Vocabulary Selected? -- How are Symbols Grouped or Arranged on the Communication Device? -- How are Other Primary Features Identified? -- Evaluating the Efficiency and Effectiveness of a Student's Augmentative System

Conclusion -- Summary -- Suggested Activities -- Low-Tech Approaches to Teaching Early Communication & Emergent Literacy -- Focus Questions -- Introduction -- What is Communication? -- How Do Communication and Language Develop? -- What are the Factors that Promote Communication and Language Development? -- Problems Students With Disabilities Have With Early Communication Development -- Technology Tools That Support Early Communication Development -- Types of Switches to Promote Early Communication -- Determining the Use of Switches for Early Communication -- Examples of Switch Technology for Early Communication in the Classroom -- Emergent Literacy -- Summary -- Suggested Activities -- Integrating Augmentative Communication in the Classroom -- Focus Questions -- Introduction -- Curriculum Issues -- Ongoing Skill Development in Communication -- Use of Peers as Communication Facilitators -- Other Strategies -- Need for Teacher Training -- Not Everything is High-Tech

Transition from School to School and Teacher to Teacher -- Home and Community Use -- Using Augmentative Communication in the Community -- Summary -- Suggested Activities -- Section IV: Making It Happen -- Implementation of Assistive Technology in P-12 Schools -- Focus Questions -- Introduction -- Legal Basis for Assistive Technology -- Integrating Assistive Technology into the IEP -- Specially Designed Instruction -- Obstacles to Assistive Technology Implementation -- The Digital Divide -- Culture -- Consideration Misunderstood -- Professionals' Lack of Knowledge and Skills -- Failure to Implement Assistive Technology Recommendations -- Funding -- Assistive Technology Standards for Educational Professionals -- Council for Exceptional Children Standards -- International Society for Technology in Education Standards -- Funding for Assistive Technology -- Summary -- Suggested Activities -- Implementation of Assistive Technology in Transition Planning -- Focus Questions

Preparation for Transition from High School to College -- Problems Students with Disabilities Face in College -- Typical Accommodations at College that Meet These Needs -- There are No IEP's in College -- Reasonable Accommodations -- Procedures for Obtaining Assistive Technology in College -- Legal and Procedural Differences Between ADA and IDEA -- Importance of Transition Planning in High School -- Assistive Technology Skills -- Self-advocacy skills Transition from High School to Home/Workplace/Community -- Personal Digital Assistants -- Computer-Generated Visual Supports -- Computer-Generated Social Stories -- Simple Technology for Self-Care and Leisure Activities -- Transition Planning -- Summary -- Suggested Activities -- References -- Index  
تاریخ ثبت در بانک 21 خرداد 1399