کد bk-29369  
نوع کاغذی  
عنوان A survival kit for the special education teacher  
نویسنده Roger Pierangelo  
ناشر Center for Applied Research in Education  
محل نشر West Nyack, N.Y.  
سال انتشار 1994میلادی  
نوبت چاپ 1  
تعداد جلد 1  
زبان انگلیسی  
قطع وزیری  
چکیده Machine derived contents note: About This Survival Kit. -- Purpose of the Guide. -- Helpful and Unique Features of the Book. -- Part 1: Clinical Issues for Special Educators. -- Section 1: Introduction: Responsibilities of the Special Education Teacher and Roles of the Special Education Teacher. -- Section 2: The Clinical or Case Study Method. -- Suggested Prereferral Strategies. -- Initiating the Clinical or Case Study Method. -- School Symptoms Exhibited by High-Risk Students. -- How Emotional Problems Affect a Child's Ability to Function in the Classroom. -- Symptomatic Behavior Possibly Indicating More Serious Problems. -- How to Determine the Severity of a Potential Problem. -- Common Avoidance Behaviors. -- Energy Drain and its Effect on Behavior and Learning. -- Part 2: The Special Education Process. -- Section 3: Screening and Referral Process. -- Referral forms. -- Rating Scales. -- Observation scales. -- Pupil personnel teams, child study teams. -- Dealing with parent intakes and interviews. -- Examining school records. -- Understanding the child's behavior during testing. -- Reporting test results to parents and teachers. -- Part 3: Evaluation Measures, Interpretation, and Analysis. -- Section 4: How to Analyze a Student's Intellectual Profile Effectively. -- Intellectual Evaluations -- Introduction. -- The Wschsler Scales of Intelligence. -- Diagnostic Patterns of the Wechsler Scales. -- How to Determine Modality or Channel Strengths and Weaknesses on the Wechsler Scales. -- How to Determine Process Strengths and Weaknesses on the Wechsler Scales. -- Other Forms of Analysis Using the Wechsler Scales. -- Section 5: How to Effectively Determine a Student's Academic Strengths and Weaknesses. -- Objectives of an Educational Evaluation. -- Specific Skill Areas. -- Achievement Tests. -- More Widely Used Tests. -- Section 6: How to Effectively Evaluate a Student's Perceptual Strengths and Weaknesses. -- The Learning Process. -- Diagnostic Symptoms for Perceptual Disabilities. -- Section 7: How to Write a Comprehensive Report. -- Organizing a Psychoeducational Report. -- Part 4: The Special Educator's Role in the Special Education Process. -- Section 8: Basic Educational Law for Special Educators. -- Basic Terminology. -- Understanding Committees on Special Education. -- Responsibilities of the Committee on Special Education. -- The Concept of Procedural Due Process. -- What the Special Educator Needs to Know if Asked to Present at the CSE. -- Section 9: Suggested Materials for a CSE Presentation. -- Initial Referral Forms. -- Evaluations. -- Academic Data. -- Developmental Data. -- Other Required Information and Procedures. -- Section 10: Understanding Individual Educational Plans. -- General Identifying Data. -- Current Placement Data. -- Recommendations by the CSE. -- Goals and Objectives. -- Mastery Levels. -- Evaluative Measures. -- Alternate Testing Modifications. -- Section 11: What You Need to Know about Testing Modifications. -- Student Eligibility for Use of Testing Techniques. -- Criteria for Alternate Testing Techniques. -- Alternate Testing Techniques that Modify Manner of Presentation. -- Alternate Testing Techniques that Modify Manner of Response. -- Alternate Testing Techniques that Modify Process Used to Derive Response. -- Special Education Teacher's Role and Responsibilities for Implementation of Alternate Testing Techniques. -- Section 12: Least Restrictive Educational Placements. -- Section 13: The Special Educator's Role in the Annual Review Process. -- Section 14: The Special Educator's Role in Triennial Evaluations. -- Part 5: Classroom Management Techniques for Special Education Teachers. -- Section 15: Classroom Management of Different Personality Styles. -- The Aggressive Child. -- The Withdrawn Child. -- The Underachieving Child. -- The Frightened Child. -- The Slow-Learning Child. -- Section 16: Working with the Learning Disabled Child in the Classroom -- Instructional Techniques. -- Section 17: Working with the Emotionally Disabled Child in the Classroom. -- Section 18: Working with the Mentally Disabled Child in the Classroom. -- Part 6: What Special Education Teachers Need to Know About -- Section 19: What Special Educators Need to Know About Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. -- Section 20: What Special Educators Need to Know about Dyslexia. -- History of Dyslexia. -- Statistics. -- Characteristics for Early Detection. -- What Should You Do if You Suspect that a Child Has Dyslexia? -- Tests to Include in the Psychoeducational Evaluation. -- Organizations to contact to Get More Information. -- Reading Tutors. -- Section 21: What Special Educators Need to Know about Adolescent Depression. -- Behavioral Indicators. -- Criteria to Consider. -- Section 22: What Special Educators Need to Know about Medication. -- Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. -- Psychosis. -- Tourette's Syndrome. -- Depression. -- Anxiety or Panic Disorders. -- Section 23: What Special Educators Need to Know about Common Psychological Disorders. -- Developmental Disorders. -- Pervasive Developmental Disorders. -- Specific Developmental Disorders. -- Disruptive Behavior Disorders. -- Anxiety Disorders of Childhood. -- Eating Disorders. -- Tic Disorders. -- Elimination Disorders. -- Other Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence. -- Specific Personality Disorders. -- Mood Disorders. -- Conclusion. -- Section 24: What Special Educators Need to Know about Being a Mandated Reporter of Abuse and Neglect. -- Procedures to Follow if You Suspect Child Abuse or Neglect. -- Clinical and Behavior Clues to Possible Abuse. -- Section 25: Diagnosing the Learning Disabled Child. -- Who is Not a Student with a Learning Disability. -- Severe Learning Discrepancy. -- Part 7: Practical Parenting Tips for Parents. -- Section 26: How Special Educators Can Help Parents Work with Their Children on Homework. -- Section 27. How Special Educators Can Help Parents use Effective Discipline. -- Section 28: How Special Educators Can Help Parents Communicate Better with Their Children. -- Section 29: How Special Educators Can Help Parents Improve Their Child's Self-esteem. -- Section 30: What Parents Need to Know about Retention. -- Section 31: LD Organizations and Information Services. -- Section 32: How Special Educators Can Help Parents Improve Their Child's Study Skills. -- Section 33: How Special Educators Can Help Parents Improve Their Child's Reading. -- Section 34: How Special Educators Can Help Parents Improve Their Child's Comprehension. -- Listening Strategies for Promoting Comprehension. -- General Strategies for Increasing Comprehension. -- Part 8: Appendixes. -- Section 35: Parent Conference Handouts. -- How to Improve a Child's Self-esteem. -- How to Detect Learning Problems in Children. -- How to Help Children with Homework. -- How to Help Children with Reading at Home. -- How to Communicate with Children. -- How to Spot Possible Learning Disabilities. -- Section 36: Examples of Psychoeducational Reports. -- Report for a Student in the Primary Grades. -- Report for a Student in Secondary School. -- Section 37: Abbreviations. -- Section 38: Glossaries of Special Education Terminology. -- Educational Terminology. -- Psychological Terminology. -- Medical Terminology  
تاریخ ثبت در بانک 31 اردیبهشت 1399