کد bk-20170  
نوع کاغذی  
عنوان Poverty Is NOT a Learning Disability : Equalizing Opportunities for Low SES Students  
نویسنده Tish Howard  
ناشر Corwin  
محل نشر Thousand Oaks  
سال انتشار 2009میلادی  
نوبت چاپ 1  
تعداد جلد 1  
زبان انگلیسی  
قطع وزیری  
شابک 9781452273310  
چکیده Description: Contents: Preface
About the Authors
1. The Changing Realities of America's Public Education: Foundational Facts and Implications
School Readiness
Lack of Parent Involvement
Deficit Perceptions
Special Education and NCLB
2. The Unfortunate Link Between Low Socioeconomic Status and Learning Disabilities
Understanding Learning Disabilities
Poverty Is Not a Learning Disability
Educators' Lack of Understanding of Poverty
Teachers' Role in Learning Disability Referrals
The Cost of Misidentifying Children as Learning Disabled
3. Teaching Strategies and Techniques Proven to Work With Low SES Children
Four Teaching Strategies That Work
Creating a Positive Climate for Instruction
Contents: The Importance of Strong School-Home Relationships in Educating Low SES Children
The Importance of Parent Involvement
The Importance of Home-Based Involvement
The Importance of School Climate
Meeting the Challenges Presented by Low SES Neighborhoods
Embracing Cultural Diversity
5. How Strong School-Business Relationships Can Benefit Low SES Students
Creating a Partnership With Structure and Reciprocity
Looking Beyond Dollars in School-Business Partnerships
Recognizing the Partnership Value of Small Local Businesses
6. The Role Networking Can Play in the Effective Education of Low SES Students
Networking With Central Offices
Networking Beyond the School District
7. Managing Change Successfully
Why People Resist Change
Strategies to Reduce Resistance to Change and Promote Successful Implementations
Contents: Selecting the Right People
Identifying the Characteristics and Qualifications You're Looking For
Assessing Your Faculty and Staff's Strengths and Weaknesses to Clarify Your Needs
Communicating Your Needs and Interests to Human Resources
Structuring the Interview Process
Managing the Interview and Selection Process
9. Identifying the Core and Individual Competencies That Promote the Most Successful Learning Environment
What We Mean by Competencies
Identifying Core School and Individual Competencies That Promote Student Success
10. Identifying Expectations and Managing Performance
Some Basic Assumptions
Communicating Your Expectations
Managing Performance Around Your Expectations
Providing Constructive Feedback
Contents: A Proven Approach to Improving Educational Opportunities for Low SES Children
Professional Climate
Behavioral Climate
Community Climate
Instructional Practices
12. Summary and Conclusions
Being the Leader in Your School
Making the Most of an "Ambiguous" Situation
تاریخ ثبت در بانک 15 خرداد 1397