کد bk-20070  
نوع کاغذی  
عنوان Disability and labour market integration : analytical paper  
نویسنده Ágota Scharle  
ناشر Publications Office of the European Union  
محل نشر Luxembourg  
سال انتشار 2016میلادی  
نوبت چاپ 1  
تعداد جلد 1  
زبان انگلیسی  
قطع وزیری  
شابک 9789279632181  
چکیده Description: Summary: In Europe today, a large share of the population suffers from a disability and consequently many people continue to be excluded from the labour market; this exclusion can mean that people are either held back from accessing a job or they experience difficulties in finding and retaining a job. Moreover, the number of people who suffer from a disability that constrains their ability to work, exceeds the number of jobseekers in most EU Member States (Eurostat 2011). Although there is some evidence that the prevalence of health problems improved (or at least stagnated) in most EU Member States until 2008, this trend turned during the global financial crisis, and in several Member States, the recent rise was especially marked among youth (OECD 2015). Disability exists on a continuum, ranging from minor to severe and multiple disabilities. In particular, Eurostat data shows that severe disabilities affect only a small share of the working age population. About 72 % of people with disabilities do not have a severe limitation in daily activities due to a health problem and about 75 % do not need assistance in their daily activities. In this this paper the focus will be on the large majority of the population with disabilities who are capable of working in the open labour market and can potentially benefit from PES services. Against this background, this paper aims to review recent policy initiatives supporting the labour market integration of people with a disability, focusing on measures implemented by public employment services (PES). It builds on a previous paper produced under the European Commission’s PES to PES Dialogue programme that explored the causes of and possible solutions to the rising incidence of disability (EC 2013).  
تاریخ ثبت در بانک 14 خرداد 1397