کد sr-48834  
عنوان اول دمج ذوی الاحتیاجات الخاصة فی المدارس الأساسیة من وجهة نظر المعلمیــن دراسة میدانیـة فـــی مـدارس مدینـة السلیمانیة  
نویسنده رزکـــــار مصطفی غفور  
نوع کاغذی ، الکترونیک  
مقاله نشریه مجلة الآداب  
شماره پیاپی 115  
سال 2016میلادی  
شماره صفحه (از) 453  
شماره صفحه (تا) 492  
زبان فارسی  
توضیحات الخلاصة
Mixing students with special needs in all stages of basic schools with ordinary ones in order to continue their study just as done by the other normal students and to practice all types of educational, learning, social and entertaining activities, it is crucial to develop and build up their abilities and to give them necessary opportunities in order to play different roles and to undertake any possible responsibilities in such a way that will be able to participate in different fields of daily life. The process of mixing students with special needs with normal students in basic schools is helpful in discovering their abilities and talents. Moreover, it encourages them to promote their potentialities in the best way through educational and learning programmes in the basic schools.Social communication and interaction between people with special needs and normal people through mixing programmes will lead to positive impacts in various fields of life. This surely confirms the fact that the mixing programme has its prominent role in the life of people with special needs. Of course this in turn, and as an ultimate result will positively affect their families and the whole community.The objectives of this research are to:1-Enquire about the opinion of teachers regarding the issue of mixing students with special needs.2-Discover the index of the statistical variant forms of mixing students with special needs in basic schools.3-Know the effects of mixing students with special needs in basic schools with respect to the cognitive aspects.4-Know the psychological effects of mixing students with special needs in basic schools.5-Assess the social impacts of mixing students with special needs in basic schools.The research work is considered a descriptive one that uses social survey approach. The research community consists of (105) basic schools that care for students of stages 1 to 6 inside Sulaimaniyah city. All the targeted schools are affiliated to directorate general of education in Sulaimaniyah.The sample included 250 teachers of the (17) schools chosen intentionally among those who teach students with special needs in basic schools.In order to achieve the objectives of the research a questionnaire made up of 24 questions were used and put forth to the research samples in Sulaimaniyah basic schools.The research has come to the following conclusions:The results show that:1-Teachers have a negative opinion concerning the mixing process according to variables in terms of gender, age and learning results.2-The opinion of basic schools teachers who have 11years and more experience in the field of teaching is positive concerning the mixing process.3-Basic school teachers have negative opinions about mixing process as far as learning and psychological aspects are concerned.4-Basic school teachers have positive opinions on mixing process as far as the social aspect is concerned.  
تاریخ ثبت در بانک 23 خرداد 1401  
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