کد sr-48828  
عنوان اول رعایة ذوی الاحتیاجات الخاصة ودورهم المعرفی  
نویسنده مصعب سلمان أحمد  
نویسنده رباب ذیاب عبد  
نوع کاغذی ، الکترونیک  
مقاله نشریه مجلة سر من رأی  
شماره پیاپی المجلد 13, العدد 50  
سال 2017میلادی  
شماره صفحه (از) 137  
شماره صفحه (تا) 166  
زبان عربی  
توضیحات الخلاصة
God created the universe, great wisdom is the association of brotherhood that call for compassion, including albeit dispersed stranded and diverged their homes or varied races and religions, including small and large, and rich and poor, and the right patient, the right and the disabledHence the interest in Islam with special needs as Bharithm: God has honored human beings and that the doors of the charity, the charity had wanted with all people, they Akunan more applications with the needs of them, such as people with special needs. And then reward the effect of benevolence, righteousness and be with them more than with others.It is this great premise came a research marked: (care for people with special needs and their cognitive), defined as people with special needs,saying the types of disability in people with special needs and their causes, and market evidence into account people with special needs, and display models with special needs and how to handle the Apostle with special needs, and the statement of the role of people with special needs and cognitive concluded the findings and recommendations.  
تاریخ ثبت در بانک 23 خرداد 1401  
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