کد bk-36697  
نوع کاغذی  
عنوان Commonsense Methods for Children with Special Needs and Disabilities  
نویسنده Peter Westwood  
ناشر Routledge  
سال انتشار 2021میلادی  
نوبت چاپ 1  
تعداد جلد 1  
زبان انگلیسی  
قطع وزیری  
چکیده Book Description
This fully revised and updated 8th edition of Peter Westwood’s book offers practical advice and strategies for meeting the challenge of inclusive teaching. Based on the latest international research from the field, it offers practical advice on both new and well-tried evidence-based approaches and strategies for teaching students with a wide range of difficulties.

As well as covering special educational needs, learning difficulties and disabilities in detail, chapters also explore topics such as self-management and autonomy, managing behaviour and social skills. The book offers sound pedagogical practices and strategies for adapting curriculum content, designing teaching materials, differentiating instruction for mixed-ability classes, and implementing inclusive assessment of learning.

Key features of this new edition include:

Additional information on linking all aspects of teaching to a Response-to-Intervention Model
A focus on the increasing importance of digital technology in supporting the learning of students with special educational needs and disabilities
Up-to-date resource lists for each chapter, for those who wish to pursue a particular topic in greater depth
Reflecting cutting-edge international research and teaching practices, this is an invaluable resource for practising and trainee teachers, teaching assistants and other educational professionals looking to support students with special educational needs and disabilities.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Special educational needs, learning difficulties and disabilities Who are the students? What are ‘special needs’? Learning difficulties Disabilities and impairments Provision of education and support Response to intervention model Online resources Print resources Chapter 2: Students with intellectual disability Intellectual disability Priorities in teaching Learning characteristics of students with intellectual disability Teaching approaches Preparation for work Specific approaches for students with severe intellectual disability Online resources Print resources Chapter 3: Students with autism spectrum disorder Autism defined and described Intervention for autism Teaching, training and management: general principles Specific programmes and methods Online resources Print resources Chapter 4: Students with physical disabilities and health issues Learning and development Assistive technology Augmentative and alternative communication Cerebral palsy Instructional needs of students with cerebral palsy Epilepsy Spina bifida Traumatic brain injury Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Childhood obesity Asthma and allergies General points for mainstream teachers Online resources Print resources Chapter 5: Students with sensory impairments Vision impairment Special educational needs of children with impaired vision Accessing curriculum and environment Teaching students with impaired vision Transition to work or further study Hearing impairment Types and degrees of hearing loss Impact of moderate to severe hearing loss Modes of communication Assistive technology Teaching students with impaired hearing Online resources Print resources Chapter 6: Gifted and talented students The nature of giftedness, talent and creativity Prevalence Separation or inclusion? Identifying gifted learners Underachievement Meeting the needs of gifted and talented students General principles of teaching Specific implementation models Online resources Print resources Chapter 7: Self-management and autonomy Definition of terms The importance of classroom self-management Teaching self-management Locus of control and self-efficacy Attribution retraining Cognitive behaviour modification Metacognition Cognitive strategies and strategy-based instruction Online resources Print resources Chapter 8: Managing behaviour The effects of misbehaviour Preventing behaviour problems Behaviour management policy A three-tier model of intervention The need for a team approach Modifying behaviour Students with learning difficulties or disabilities Dealing with disruptive behaviour Aggressive behaviour Bullying Cyberbullying Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Online resources Print resources Chapter 9: Social skills and peer group acceptance Children with learning difficulties or disabilities Creating opportunities Facilitating social interaction Groupwork Social skills training Online resources Print resources Chapter 10: Intervention for reading difficulties Reading intervention at Tier 2 Using tutors Selecting text materials for Tier 2 Specific interventions for older students at Tier 2 Specific programmes for intervention at Tier 3 Supplementary tutoring strategies and activities Digital technology and reading Online resources Print resources Chapter 11: Problems with writing What do the processes of writing and composing involve? Learning difficulties that affect writing Teaching approaches General approaches at Tier 1 Digital technology and writing Tier 2 and Tier 3: Paving the way for success Online resources Print resources Chapter 12: Difficulties with spelling Best practices in spelling instruction Developmental stages Spelling as a complex behaviour Teaching spelling Word study Spelling rules Dictation Spelling lists Developing strategic spellers Intervention strategies for Tier 2 and Tier 3 Tutoring individual students Online resources Print resources Chapter 13: Numeracy and basic mathematical skills Contemporary perspectives on mathematics teaching Learning difficulties in mathematics Assisting students with learning difficulties What should be taught? A diagnostic approach Teaching at concrete and semi-concrete levels Teaching computation skills Calculators Developing problem-solving skills and strategies Students with specific talents in mathematics Online resources Print resources Chapter 14: Teaching methods Selecting Tier 1 teaching methods Teacher-led approaches Teaching approaches based on constructivist principles Computer-based instruction (CBI) and computer-aided learning (CAL) E-learning Online resources Print resources Chapter 15: Differentiating the curriculum and adapting instruction Adaptations and differentiation Key principle: Keep it simple Starting points for differentiation Adapting curriculum content and learning activities Homework assignments Adapting instructional materials Differentiating products from lessons Adapting teaching strategies Adapting assessment Accommodations for students with disabilities Universal Design for Learning Online resources Print resources References Index  
تاریخ ثبت در بانک 7 مرداد 1399