کد bk-34721  
نوع کاغذی  
عنوان Disability Rights  
نویسنده Peter Blanck  
ناشر Routledge  
سال انتشار 2005میلادی  
نوبت چاپ 1  
تعداد جلد 1  
زبان انگلیسی  
قطع وزیری  
چکیده Book Description
There is great diversity of definitions, causes and consequences of discrimination against persons with disabilities, yet there are fundamental themes uniting countries in their pursuit of human rights policies to improve the social and economic status of those with disabilities. In this volume are twenty-five important articles examining historical, contemporary and comparative issues crucial to the advancement of disability rights. The volume foreshadows the future of disability rights as a medium for ensuring that those living with disabilities participate as equal citizens of the world.

Table of Contents
Contents: Foreword, Christopher McCrudden; Introduction. Rise of Disability Rights: Before disability rights: civil war pensions and the politics of disability in America, Peter David Blanck and Michael Millender; Disability policy and politics: considering consumer influences, Paul K. Longmore; Disability studies: a historical materialist view, B.J. Gleeson; The politics of disability, Mike Oliver; Uncle Tom and Tiny Tim: some reflections on the cripple as negro, Leonard Kriegel . Law of Disability Rights: International disability law - a new legal subject on the rise: the interregional experts' meeting in Hong Kong, December 13-17, 1999, Theresia Degener; The development of the disability rights movement as a social problem solver, Jerry Alan Winter; Reassessing the employment of people with disabilities in Europe: from quotas to anti-discrimination laws, Lisa Waddington; The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (CTH): a 3-dimensional approach to operationalizing human rights, Lee Ann Basser and Melinda Jones; The ADA on the road: disability rights in Germany, Katharina C. Heyer The disability rights movement in Japan: past, present and future, Reiko Hayashi and Masako Okuhira; Disability rights in Latin America and international cooperation, Christian Courtis. Assessment of Disability Rights: Changing the social relations of research production, Mike Oliver; Disability and the myth of the independent researcher, Colin Barnes; Rules of engagement: doing disability research, Tom Shakespeare; Anti-discrimination laws and social research on disability: the minority group perspectives, Harlan Hahn; Empirical implications of Title I, Michael Ashley Stein; Calibrating the impact of the ADA's employment provisions, Peter Blanck, Lisa Schur, Douglas Kruse, Susan Schwochau and Chen Song); Does a needs-led delivery of services undermine disability discrimination principles?, Jerome Bickenbach and Jeremy Cooper. Future of Disability Rights: Defending the social model, Tom Sh  
تاریخ ثبت در بانک 23 تیر 1399