کد bk-34280  
نوع کاغذی  
عنوان Human Rights and Disability: Interdisciplinary Perspectives  
نویسنده John-Stewart Gordon  
نویسنده Johann-Christian Põder  
نویسنده Holger Burckhart  
ناشر Routledge  
سال انتشار 2018میلادی  
نوبت چاپ 1  
تعداد جلد 1  
زبان انگلیسی  
قطع وزیری  
چکیده The formerly established medically-based idea of disability, with its charity-based approach to treatment and services, is being replaced by a human rights-based approach in which people with impairments are no longer considered medical problems, totally dependent on the beneficence of non-impaired people in society, but have fundamental rights to support, inclusion, and participation. This interdisciplinary book examines the diverse concerns that people with impairments face in the context of human rights, provides insights into new developments on important issues relating human rights to disability, and features new approaches and solutions to vital problems in the current debate.

Table of Contents
Table of Contents

Acknowledgment *

Chapter 1 General Introduction: Human Rights and Disability - Interdisciplinary Perspectives

Alicia Oullette *

Part 1: Human Rights and Disability – Different Voices *

Chapter 2 Remarks on a Disability-Conscious Bioethics

John-Stewart Gordon *

Chapter 3 Theology, Disability, and Human Rights: Difficult Past, Promising Future

Johann-Christian Põder *

Part 2: Human Development and Inclusion *

Chapter 4 Grounding Disability and Human Rights with the Capabilities Approach

Christopher A. Riddle *

Chapter 5 Human Rights and Persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: An Elusive but Emerging Paradigm

Donato Tarulli, Dorothy Griffiths and Frances Owen *

Chapter 6 On Human Rights and Human Duties: Is there a Moral Obligation to Inclusion?

Holger Burckhart and Bennet Jäger *

Chapter 7 The Right to Inclusive Education: Practical Implications in German Schools

Petr Frantik *

Part 3: Justice and Legal Protection *

Chapter 8 Disability Rights, Legal and Moral

Hans Reinders *

Chapter 9 From Manifesto to Action: Transforming the Aspiration of Disability Human Rights into Accountable Government Action

Jerome Bickenbach *

Chapter 10 Human and Civil Models of Rights: Healthy and Ill Disabled and Access to Healthcare

Anita Silvers and Leslie Pickering Francis *

Chapter 11 Agency and Disability. A Rights-Based Approach

Michael Boylan *

Chapter 12 Afterword

Akiko Ito *

Index *

Contributors *

Bibliography *  
تاریخ ثبت در بانک 20 تیر 1399