کد bk-32993  
نوع کاغذی  
عنوان Teacher training and special educational needs  
نویسنده John Sayer  
نویسنده Neville Jones  
ناشر Routledge  
محل نشر London  
سال انتشار 2018میلادی  
نوبت چاپ 1  
تعداد جلد 1  
زبان انگلیسی  
قطع وزیری  
چکیده Contents:
Foreword; Training for Diversity: The Context for Change John Sayer; Part One: Responding to Needs in New Contexts; 1. Training and Progress in Special Education Tony Booth 2. Attitudes to Disability: A Training Objective Neville Jones 3. Patterns of Delivery and Training Implications Denis Mongon 4. A Whole-School Response to All Needs John Sayer; Part Two: A New Look at Training Needs; 5. Training for Teamwork Patricia Potts 6. Special Educational Needs and Initial Training David Thomas and Colin Smith 7. Post-experience Training Klaus Wedell 8. Post-school Special Educational Needs and Teacher-training Nanette Whitbread 9. A French Perspective on Special Needs Dominique Paty 10. Initial Teacher Education and the Role of Support Agencies John Quicke 11. Support Strategies for INSET Focused on Schools Michael Jones 12. National Initiatives: The Scottish Experience Marion Blythman 13. The Challenge of Micro-technology Tim Southgate 14. In-service Training at the Open University Tony Booth 15. The Silent Agenda of Special Education Neville Jones; References; Appendices  
تاریخ ثبت در بانک 9 تیر 1399