کد bk-32924  
نوع کاغذی  
عنوان Incarcerated youth transitioning back to the community : international perspectives  
نویسنده Sue C. O'Neill  
ناشر Springer  
محل نشر Singapore  
سال انتشار 2018میلادی  
نوبت چاپ 1  
تعداد جلد 1  
زبان انگلیسی  
قطع وزیری  
چکیده Contents: Intro; Contents; Editor and Contributors; 1 Introduction; References; The Taxonomy of Transition Programming 2.0 as Applied to Juvenile Justice Transition Planning and Processes; 2 Transitions intheLives ofIncarcerated Youth; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Vulnerabilities andNeeds; 2.3 Transitions into, Through, andOut ofSecure Care; 2.4 Transitioning Back totheCommunity; 2.5 The Right toTransition Development andSupport; 2.6 Contemporary Reentry, Transition, andAftercare Programs; 2.7 Rationale fortheUse oftheTaxonomy ofTransition Programming 2.0; 2.8 Conclusion; References
Contents: 3 The Taxonomy forTransition Programming 2.0 asApplied toYouth intheJuvenile Justice System3.1 Origins oftheTaxonomy forTransition Programming; 3.2 Taxonomy forTransition Programming 2.0; 3.3 Five Areas ofPractices; 3.4 Youth-Focused Planning; 3.5 Youth Development; 3.6 Interagency Collaboration; 3.7 Family Engagement; 3.8 Program Structures; 3.9 Conclusion; References; 4 Involvement oftheYoung Person inTransition Planning; 4.1 Rationale forYouth-Focused Transition Planning; 4.2 Review ofLegislation; 4.3 Effective Practice; 4.4 Improved Outcomes
Contents: 4.5 Youth-Focused Transition Planning4.6 Review ofYouth-Focused Planning Literature; 4.7 Strategies forPromoting Youth-Focused Planning inJJ Transition; 4.8 JJ Transition Projects thatPromote Youth-Focused Planning; 4.9 Youth Development; 4.10 Practices thatPromote Youth Development inTransition; 4.11 Practices thatPromote Youth Development inJJ Transition; 4.12 Conclusion; References; 5 The Role ofFamily inSupporting Incarcerated Youth Transitioning fromtheJuvenile Justice System Back intotheCommunity; 5.1 Introduction
Contents: 5.2 Assisting Families inSupporting Incarcerated Youth Returning totheCommunity5.3 Frameworks andModels ofFamily Involvement forYouth Involved intheJuvenile Justice System; 5.4 Family Involvement Across theFour Stages ofTransition; 5.5 Conclusion; References; 6 Supporting theTransition ofIncarcerated Youth Back totheCommunity: AMulti-systemic Wraparound Approach; 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 Using theTaxonomy forTransition Planning 2.0 toGuide aWraparound Approach; 6.3 Using Program Structures toDevelop Elements ofanEffective Wraparound System; 6.4 Conceptual Framework
Contents: 6.5 Other Frameworks, Guides, andModels6.6 Conclusion; References; International Perspectives on Transition Planning and Supports; 7 Transitions fromBehind theFence totheCommunity: The Australian Experience; 7.1 Introduction; 7.2 Australia's Juvenile Justice System; 7.3 Rate ofInvolvement intheJuvenile Justice System; 7.4 State Laws, Policy, orGuidelines forTransition orAftercare Support; 7.5 How Juvenile Justice Systems Are Meeting theTransition Needs ofIncarcerated Yo  
تاریخ ثبت در بانک 8 تیر 1399