کد bk-32181  
نوع کاغذی  
عنوان Emotions and education : promoting positive mental health in students with learning disabilities  
نویسنده Nicholas D. Young  
نویسنده Christine N. Michael  
نویسنده Teresa A. Citro  
ناشر Vernon Press  
محل نشر Wilmington, Delaware  
سال انتشار 2018میلادی  
نوبت چاپ 1  
تعداد جلد 1  
زبان انگلیسی  
قطع جیبی  
چکیده Contents: Everybody Belongs: Structuring Positive Environments / Understanding Social Aggression: Bullying and the Student with Learning Disabilities / Learning Disabilities and Anxiety: Understanding and Addressing the Common Occurrence / Reading, Writing, and Rap: Using Rhyme to Inspire Emotional and Academic Growth / The Comforting Presence of Visual Literacy Skill in the English Language Arts Classroom / Understanding Student and Teacher Behaviors from Two Perspectives: A Schema for Success in Teaching Students with Learning and Behavioral Challenges / Parents Make the Difference: Fostering Emotional Resiliency to Improve School Outcomes / Working with Students Who Have Experienced Trauma: Educating Teachers About Trauma-Informed Practice / Cultural Consideration: Promoting Emotional Well-Being in Students with Learning Disabilities / Navigating New Turning Points: Transitioning Students with Learning Disabilities to Post-Secondary Promise /
Summary: Written by an experienced team of practitioners and scholars, this text attempts to fill the gap in texts that specifically address the needs of LD students in the socioemotional and mental health domains. By providing a foundational understanding of some of the salient issues facing students with learning disabilities, we hope to empower all of those who are working to ensure their success by providing the particular challenges that LD students and their families may face, and strategies and best practices for building creativity, resiliency, prosocial behavior, and positive mental health. As a practitioner and family-oriented text, this book seeks to offer a truncated review of relevant literature followed by suggestions to guide practice.  
تاریخ ثبت در بانک 29 خرداد 1399