کد bk-31495  
نوع کاغذی  
عنوان The inclusive management strategy : engineering culture change for employees with disabilities  
نویسنده Camelia M. Fawzy  
نویسنده Brenda Shore  
ناشر Emerald Publishing  
محل نشر United Kingdom  
سال انتشار 2019میلادی  
نوبت چاپ 1  
تعداد جلد 1  
زبان انگلیسی  
قطع وزیری  
چکیده Contents: Part 1. Respecting DisAbilities? Chapter 1. Defining DisAbilities Chapter 2. Inclusion and Respect Part 2. Culture Change = Mind Change Chapter 3. The Inclusive Management Strategy - Engineering Culture Change Part 3. Fairness and Threat - The Gatekeepers Chapter 4. The Fairness Dilemma Chapter 5. Equity, the Gateway to Engaging in Change Chapter 6. Reduce Threats by Hiring Strengths Part 4. The Transformational Learning Structure = A Mind-Change Mechanism Chapter 7. Learning, the Most Empowering Tool Chapter 8. Change Leaders: Addressing Biases During Unfreezing Part 5. Empowering Learning Structures Chapter 9. Learning that Opens Doors to Mind-Change Chapter 10. Learning Conversations Chapter 11. Who is on this TEAM? Chapter 12. Networks for Mutual Learning Part 6. Conclusion Chapter 13. Make Change Stick.  
تاریخ ثبت در بانک 24 خرداد 1399