کد bk-31406  
نوع کاغذی  
عنوان Discipline in special education  
نویسنده Allan G. Osborne  
ناشر Corwin Press  
محل نشر Thousand Oaks, Calif.  
سال انتشار 2009میلادی  
نوبت چاپ 1  
تعداد جلد 1  
زبان انگلیسی  
قطع رحلی  
چکیده From the Publisher: Experts provide educators with legal guidelines for taking appropriate disciplinary action that can withstand legal challenges without violating the rights of students with disabilities under IDEA 2004

Includes bibliographical references and index

Preface -- Acknowledgments -- About the authors -- 1: Education And The American Legal System -- Introduction -- Sources of law -- Constitutions -- Statutes and regulations -- Common law -- Court systems -- Legal resources and references -- Understanding legal citations -- Summary -- Recommendations for practitioners -- What's next -- References -- 2: Student Discipline -- Introduction -- Student rights and school punishments -- Due process -- Due process hearings -- Fourth Amendment rights of students -- Searches of students and their property -- Drug testing -- Summary -- Recommendations for practitioners -- What's next -- References -- 3: Laws Affecting Discipline For Students With Disabilities -- Introduction -- Statutes relevant to students with disabilities -- Individuals With Disabilities Education Act -- Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act -- Americans With Disabilities Act -- State laws -- Early case law -- First lower court decisions -- US Supreme Court decision -- Post-Honig decisions -- Amendments to the IDEA -- IDEA Amendments of 1997 -- IDEA Amendments of 2004 -- Summary -- Recommendations for practitioners -- What's next -- References -- 4: Removal Of Students From General Educational Settings -- Introduction -- Authority of school personnel -- Functional behavioral assessments and behavior intervention plans -- Expulsions of students with disabilities -- Suspensions of students with disabilities -- Manifestation determinations -- Definition of manifestation -- Making manifestation determinations -- Manifestation decision-making guidelines -- Hearings to challenge manifestation determinations -- Summary -- Recommendations for practitioners -- What's next -- References -- 5: Transfers To More Restrictive Settings -- Introduction -- Changes in placement to more restrictive environments -- Transfers to interim alternative placements for weapon or drug violations or infliction of serious bodily injuries -- Injunctions to remove dangerous or disruptive students -- Summary -- Recommendations for practitioners -- What's next -- References -- 6: Other Disciplinary Considerations -- Introduction -- Minor disciplinary sanctions -- Detentions -- Time-outs and in-school suspensions -- Modified or reduced day schedules -- Corporal punishment -- Physical restraints -- Rights of students not yet identified as having disabilities -- Rights of former special education students -- Effect on the juvenile court and law enforcement agencies -- Summary -- Recommendations for practitioners -- What's next -- References -- 7: Conclusions And Recommendations For Practice -- Introduction -- Required due process -- Manifestation determination -- Emergency removals -- Summary -- References -- Resource A: Provisions of the IDEA relevant to discipline -- Resource B: IDEA regulations relevant to discipline -- Resource C: Honig v Doe -- Resource D: Useful education law web sites -- Resource E: Glossary of terms, acronyms, and abbreviations -- Index  
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