کد bk-30944  
نوع کاغذی  
عنوان Educating exceptional children 05/06  
نویسنده Karen L Freiberg  
ناشر McGraw-Hill/Dushkin  
محل نشر Dubuque, IA  
سال انتشار 2005میلادی  
نوبت چاپ 1  
تعداد جلد 1  
زبان انگلیسی  
قطع وزیری  
چکیده Unit 1. Inclusive education. Standards for diverse learners / Paula Kluth and Diana Straut ; Trends in the special education teaching force : do they reflect legislative mandates and legal requirements? / Elizabeth Whitten and Liliana Rodriguez-Campos ; Attitudes of elementary school principals toward the inclusion of students with disabilities / Cindy L. Praisner ; An interview with Dr. Marilyn Friend / Mary T. Brownell and Chriss Walther-Thomas -- Unit 2. Early childhood. Music in the inclusive environment / Marcia Earl Humpal and Jan Wolf ; Building relationships with challenging children / Philip S. Hall and Nancy D. Hall ; The itinerant teacher hits the road : a map for instruction in young children's social skills / Faith Haertig Sadler -- Unit 3. Learning disabilities. Providing support for student independence through scaffolded instruction / Martha J. Larkin ; Reading disability and the brain / Sally E. Shaywitz and Bennett A. Shaywitz ; Successful strategies for promoting self-advocacy among students with LD : the LEAD group / Al Pocock [and others] ; Group intervention : improving social skills of adolescents with learning disabilities / Deborah Court and Sarah Givon -- Unit 4. Speech and language impairments. Language differences or learning difficulties / Spencer J. Salend and AltaGracia Salinas ; Young African American children with disabilities and augmentative and alternative communication issues / Phil Parette, Mary Blake Huer, and Toya A. Wyatt -- Unit 5. Developmental disabilities. The secrets of autism / J. Madeleine Nash ; Citizenship and disability / Michael Bérubé ; Inscrutable or meaningful? : understanding and supporting your inarticulate students / Robin M. Smith -- Unit 6. Emotional and behavioral disorders. Psychiatric disorders and treatments : a primer for teachers / Steven R. Forness, Hill M. Walker, and Kenneth A. Kavale ; Making choices, improving behavior, engaging in learning / Kristine Jolivette [and others] ; The importance of teacher self-awareness in working with students with emotional and behavioral disorders / Brent G. Richardson and Margery J. Shupe ; Classroom problems that don't go away / Laverne Warner and Sharon Lynch -- Unit 7. Vision and hearing impairments. A half-century of progress for deaf individuals / McCay Vernon ; Using tactile strategies with students who are blind and have severe disabilities / June E. Downing and Deborah Chen -- Unit 8. Multiple disabilities. Making inclusion a reality for students with severe disabilities / Pamela S. Wolfe and Tracey E. Hall ; Training basic teaching skills to paraeducators of students with severe disabilities / Marsha B. Parsons and Dennis H. Reid ; Using technology to construct alternate portfolios of students with moderate and severe disabilities / Anne Denham and Elizabeth A. Lahm -- Unit 9. Orthopedic and health impairments. Mobility training using the MOVE curriculum : a parent's view / Keith W. Whinnery and Stacie B. Barnes ; Accommodations for students with disabilities : removing barriers to learning / MaryAnn Byrnes ; Trick question / Michael Fumento -- Unit 10. Giftedness. Understanding the young gifted child : guidelines for parents, families, and educators / Jennifer V. Rotigel ; Cultivating otherwise untapped potential / Deborah Smith ; Teaching strategies for twice-exceptional students / Susan Winebrenner -- Unit 11. Transition. Transition planning for students with severe disabilities : policy implications for the classroom / Christy Holthaus Stuart and Stephen W. Smith ; The transition from middle school to high school / Theresa M. Letrello and Dorothy D. Miles ; Choosing a self-determination curriculum / David W. Test .. [et al.]  
تاریخ ثبت در بانک 19 خرداد 1399