کد bk-30657  
نوع کاغذی  
عنوان Kids Count in Michigan Data Book, 2002: County Profiles of Child and Family Well-Being  
نویسنده Jane Zehnder-Merrell  
ناشر Kids Count in Michigan  
محل نشر Michigan  
سال انتشار 2002میلادی  
نوبت چاپ 1  
تعداد جلد 1  
زبان انگلیسی  
قطع وزیری  
چکیده This kids count data book for 2002 examines statewide and county level trends in the well-being of Michigan's children. The statistical portrait is based on the following: (1) demographics; (2) juvenile arrests; (3) teen births; (4) children of two working parents; (5) child care costs; (6) child care capacity; (7) children in subsidized child care; (8) children in families receiving fip (Family Independence Program) cash assistance; (9) food stamps enrollment; (10) merit scholars; (11) child support; (12) health insurance; (13) lead poisoning/asthma; (14) birth defects; (15) special education; (16) children receiving ssi; (17) children in poverty; (18) children receiving free/reduced lunches; (19) less than adequate prenatal care; (20) low birthweight; (21) infant mortality; (22) child deaths; (23) families investigated for abuse; (24) victims of abuse/neglect; (25) children in out-of-home care; (26) teen deaths; (27) high school dropouts; and (28) academic performance in the sciences. Introductory comments note the data book's focus on adolescents. Section one describes what is new and different in this year's data book. Sections two through five present current data in the areas of economic security, child health, child safety, and adolescence. Sections six and seven focus on state profiles. The remainder of the data book contains data on Michigan's 83 counties. The data book concludes with data notes and source information. (Sd)  
تاریخ ثبت در بانک 12 خرداد 1399