کد bk-30044  
نوع کاغذی  
عنوان Eating disorders : an encyclopedia of causes, treatment, and prevention  
نویسنده Justine J Reel  
ناشر Greenwood  
محل نشر .Santa Barbara, Calif  
سال انتشار 2013میلادی  
نوبت چاپ 1  
تعداد جلد 1  
زبان انگلیسی  
قطع وزیری  
چکیده "This timely encyclopedia provides a comprehensive examination of a full range of topics related to eating disorders and body image"--

"This is a book about "Eating Disorders"--An Encyclopedia of Causes, Treatment, and Prevention"--

Includes bibliographical references and index

Academy for Eating Disorders -- Adolescent development -- Aerobics -- Aesthetic sports -- Aging and body image -- Airbrushing -- Alexithymia -- Amenorrhea -- Anorexia athletica -- Anorexia nervosa -- Anxiety disorders -- Art therapy -- Assertiveness training -- Assessment -- ATHENA -- Athletic trainers -- Ballet -- Bariatric surgery -- Bigorexia -- Binge eating disorder -- Body alienation -- Body avoidance -- Body checking -- Body distortion -- Body dysmorphic disorder -- Body esteem -- Body image -- Body image globally -- Body image in males -- Body mass index -- Bodybuilding -- BodyWorks -- Bulimia nervosa -- Karen Carpenter -- Causes -- Cheerleading -- Children and adolescents -- Coaches -- Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) -- Comorbidity -- Dancers -- Dehydration -- Depression -- Diabetes -- Diagnostic interview -- Dilectical behavior thearpy (DBT) -- Dietary restraint -- Disordered eating -- Distance running -- Diuretics -- Dolls -- Dove Campaign for real beauty -- Drill team/dance team -- Drive for muscularity -- Eating disorder not otherwise specified -- Eating disorders anonymous -- Edema -- Electrocardiogram -- Electrolyte imbalance -- EMDR: eye movement desensitization and reprocessing -- Emotion eating -- Endurance sports -- Energy availability -- Equine therapy -- Exercise -- Exercise dependence -- Family influences -- Family therapy -- Fat bias/fat discrimination -- Female athlete triad -- Femininity ideals -- Figural rating scales -- Figure skating -- Fiji study -- Flight attendants -- Food security -- Full of ourselves -- Gastrointestinal complications associated with eating disorders -- Gender -- Gymnastics -- Hattou shin ideal -- Health at every size approach -- Impulsivity -- Infertility -- Integrative approaches -- Intellectual disabilities and body image -- International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals -- Intuitive eating -- Jockeys -- Journaling -- Ketoacidosis -- Lanugo -- Late life and late-onset eating disorders -- Laxative abuse -- Leptin -- Let's move! -- Levels of care -- Masculinity ideals -- Maudsley family therapy -- Media -- Medical and health consequences -- Menopause -- Mindfulness -- Mortality rates -- Motivational interviewing -- Muscle dysmorphia -- Myth of the "Freshman 15" -- National Eating Disorders Association -- Neurofeedback -- Nia -- Night eating syndrome -- Nurtrition treatment approaches -- Nutritional deficiencies -- Obesity -- Objectification theory -- Obligatory exercise -- Obsessive-compulsive disorder -- Off the C.U.F.F. -- Oligomenorrhea -- Operation beautiful -- Orthorexia nervosa -- Osteoporosis -- Overeaters anonymous -- Parents -- Personality characteristics -- Personality disorders -- Physical self-perceptions -- Pica -- Planet health -- Pregnancy -- Prevention -- Pro-ana -- Prognosis -- Protective factors -- Psychodrama -- Psychodynamic psychotherapy approaches -- Puberty -- Purging -- Recovery -- Refeeding syndrom -- Referring someone for eating disorder treatment -- Reflections -- Relapse -- Religion -- Resiliency -- Risk factors -- Rowing -- Selective eating disorder -- Self-injury -- Ski jumping -- Skin tone -- Social comparison theory -- Social physique anxiety -- Soroity women -- Sports -- Students Promoting Eating disorder Awareness and Knowledge (SPEAK) -- Substance abuse -- Suicide -- Swimming and synchronized swimming -- Tanning behaviors and body image -- Team sports -- Teasing -- Therapeutic recreating -- Trauma -- Treatment -- Twelve-step programs -- Vegetarianism -- Virtual reality -- Wannarexia -- Weight class sports -- Weight pressures in sport -- Wrestling -- Yoga -- Zinc  
تاریخ ثبت در بانک 7 خرداد 1399