کد bk-29526  
نوع کاغذی  
عنوان Care of the elderly : clinical aspects of aging  
نویسنده William Reichel  
ناشر Williams & Wilkins  
محل نشر Baltimore  
سال انتشار 1995میلادی  
نوبت چاپ 1  
تعداد جلد 1  
زبان انگلیسی  
قطع وزیری  
چکیده Revised edition of: Clinical aspects of aging. 3rd ed. c1989

Includes bibliographical references and index

Sect. 1. Care of the elderly patient -- evaluation, diagnosis and management -- Essential principles in the care of the elderly -- Multidimensional assessment of the older patient -- Health maintenance and prevention for older persons -- Drugs and the elderly -- Common complaints of the elderly -- Diagnosis and management of heart disease -- Hypertension in the elderly -- Exercise in the elderly -- Thromboembolism in the elderly -- Pulmonary problems in the elderly -- Peripheral artery disease in the elderly -- Clinical geropsychiatry -- Alcohol and other drug abuse in older patients --Evaluation and management of the confused, disoriented, or demented elderly patient -- Alzheimer's disease: biological aspects -- Older adults with developmental disabilities and chronic mental illness -- The therapeutic milieu: social-psychological aspects of treatment -- Neurologic diseases in the elderly -- Rehabilitation and the aged -- Gastrointestinal disease in the aged -- Infectious disease problems in the elderly -- HIV infection in older persons -- Nutrition and health in the elderly -- Lipid abnormalities in the elderly -- Principles of fluid/electrolyte balance and renal disorders in the older patient -- Common lower urinary tract problems in the elderly -- Urinary incontinence -- Geriatic gynecology -- Breast cancer -- Musculoskeletal and rheumatic disease common to the elderly -- Osteoporosis and other metabolis disorders of the skeleton in aging -- Musculoskeletal injuries in the elderly -- Foot health for the elderly patient -- Endocrinology and aging -- Diabetes mellitus in the elderly patient -- Geriatric dermatology -- Hematologic problems of the elderly -- Surgical principles for the aged -- Pressure ulcers: practical considerations in their prevention and treatment -- Ocular disorders of the aging eye -- Retinal disorders of the aging eye -- Geriatric ear, nose, and throat problems -- Geriatric dentistry -- Sect. 2 Care of the elderly patient -- Other considerations  
تاریخ ثبت در بانک 1 خرداد 1399