کد bk-28721  
نوع کاغذی  
عنوان Reexamining reading diagnosis : new trends and procedures  
نویسنده Susan Mandel Glazer  
نویسنده Lyndon W Searfoss  
نویسنده Lance M Gentile  
ناشر International Reading Association  
محل نشر Newark, Del.  
سال انتشار 1988میلادی  
نوبت چاپ 1  
تعداد جلد 1  
زبان انگلیسی  
قطع وزیری  
چکیده Reexaming reading diagnosis by Susan Mandel Glazer and Lyndon W. Searfoses. Ree xaming the role of emotional maladjustment by Lance M. Gentile and Merle M. McM illan. A dynamic-developmental-interaction approach to reading and related lear ning disabilities by Jules C. Abrams. Holistic assessment of coding ability by Maryann Eads. Comprehension assessment : alternatives to standardized tests by John E. Readence and Michael A. Martin. Measuring comprehension : alternative di agnostic approaches by Margaret A. Cagney. Merging assessment and instruction : protocols in the classroom by Carol S. Brown and Susan L. Lytle. Organizing and retaining information by thinking like an author by Thomas W. Bean . Retailing stories as a diagnostic tool by Lesley Mandel Morrow. Using the microcomputer e nvironment for reading diagnosis by Albert J. Shannon. Physical arrangements, g rouping, and ethnographic notetaking by Gloria B. Smith

Includes bibliographical references

Reexaming reading diagnosis / Susan Mandel Glazer and Lyndon W. Searfoss -- Reexamining the role of emotional maladjustment / Lance M. Gentile and Merna M. McMillan -- A dynamic-developmental-interaction approach to reading and related learning disabilities / Jules C. Abrams -- Holistic assessment of coding ability / Maryann Eads -- Comprehension assessment : alternatives to standardized tests / John E. Readence and Michael A. Martin -- Measuring comprehension : alternative diagnostic approaches / Margaret A. Cagney -- Merging assessment and instruction : protocols in the classroom / Carol S. Brown and Susan L. Lytle -- Organizing and retaining information by thinking like an author / Thomas W. Bean -- Retelling stories as a diagnostic tool / Lesley Mandel Morrow -- Using the microcomputer environment for reading diagnosis / Albert J. Shannon -- Physical arrangements, grouping, and ethnographic notetaking / Gloria B. Smith  
تاریخ ثبت در بانک 24 اردیبهشت 1399