کد bk-28312  
نوع کاغذی  
عنوان The new adapted physical education : a developmental approach  
نویسنده Janet A Seaman  
ناشر Mayfield Pub. Co  
محل نشر Palo Alto, Calif.  
سال انتشار 1982میلادی  
نوبت چاپ 1  
تعداد جلد 1  
زبان انگلیسی  
قطع وزیری  
چکیده Physical education for individuals with disabilities: an overview : History and scope of special education and physical education ; Historical perspectives of special education ; Origin and evolution of physical education for individuals with disabilities ; Adapted physical education defined ; Legal mandates ; Public law 94-142 ; Public law 93-112 ; Legal implications for physical education and sport ; Amateur sports act of 1978 ; Noncategorical approach ; Professional roles and preparation in physical education for individuals with disabilities -- The developmental approach : What is the developmental approach? ; Neurological bases of human movement : Growth and development of the central nervous system ; Structure and function of the central nervous system ; Sensory-integrative-motor-sensory-feedback system ; Sensory responsivity ; Sensory systems ; Reflex activity. Neurodevelopment and motor function : Birth ; One month to two years ; Two to four years ; Four to seven-plus years. The developmental model : Innate neural capacity ; Reflex activity ; Earlier-maturing systems ; Later-maturing systems ; Motor-sensory responses ; Motor patterns ; Motor skills ; Culturally determined forms of movement ; Understanding the developmental approach. Applying the developmental approach : Sources of atypical performance ; Natural sequence of experiences in motor learning ; Levels of educational programming ; Current terminology -- Disorders of development : Process disorders : Responsivity disorders. Developmental disorders : Reflex activity ; Sensory systems ; Motor-sensory responses ; Motor patterns, motor skills, and culturally determined forms of movement. Disorders of development and specific disabilities -- Understanding the whole person : Developmental parameters : Language development ; Intellectual development ; Social development. The whole person : Performance profiles ; Understanding the individual with a disability -- Mental, physical, emotional, and severe impairments : Mental retardation : Etiology ; Characteristics. Physical impairments : Neurological impairment ; Musculoskeletal conditions ; Postural deviations ; Trauma-caused physical impairments. Emotional impairments : Behavior disorders of childhood and adolescence ; Depression ; Mental illness ; Schizophrenia. Severe impairments -- Health, sensory, and learning impairments : Health impairments : Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) ; Asthma ; Cardiovascular disorders ; Cystic fibrosis ; Diabetes ; Eating disorders ; Epilepsy/seizure disorder ; Hemophilia ; Obesity ; Rheumatic fever ; Sickle cell anemia ; Tuberculosis. Sensory impairments : Blind/visual impairment ; Deafness/hearing impairments ; Deaf/blind. Speech and/or language impairments : Speech disorders ; Language disorders. Learning impairments : Etiology and characteristics ; Autism -- The process of assessment : Definition of terms : Testing ; Measurement ; Evaluation ; Assessment. Purposes of evaluation and assessment : Placement/classification ; Diagnosis ; Prediction ; Measuring achievement ; Program planning ; Determining further testing/related services. Measurement concepts : Types of scores ; Organization of scores ; Measures of central tendency ; Measures of variability ; Position in a group ; Standard scores ; Relationships between scores. Levels of assessment : Reflex behavior ; Sensory systems ; Motor patterns ; Motor skills. Data collection : Adequate sampling ; Use of available resources -- Data collection: informal observation, performance testing and direct measures : Informal observation ; Observational techniques ; Interpretation. Performance testing and direct measures : Criteria for selecting an instrument ; Test administration ; Reflex testing ; Sensorimotor testing ; Physical fitness tests ; Body alignment tests ; Motor skills -- Data collection: self-reporting and unobtrusive measures : Self-reporting : Attitude inventories ; Rating scales ; Sociometric techniques. Unobtrusive measures : Rating scales ; Case studies ; Anecdotal records. Recommendations for data collection -- Interpretation : Completing the assessment process ; Concepts needed for interpretation : Performance sampling ; Test validity ; Test reliability ; Test specificity ; Tests as indicators ; Test relationships. Procedures for interpretation : Analyze the demands ; Order developmentally ; Determine the commonalities ; Cluster by commonalities ; Describe performance ; Draw conclusions. Relationships for test interpretation : Reflex behavior ; Sensorimotor measurements ; Measurement of motor development ; Measurement of motor ability ; Measurement of motor skills ; Measurement of physical fitness. A model for interpretation ; Reporting assessment results -- Establishing the foundation for the individualized educational program : Legal requirements ; The basis of the individualized educational program : Annual goals and performance objectives ; Determining achievement dates ; Strategies and materials to be used to achieve goals ; Determining related services ; Education in the mainstream ; Preparing for the meeting -- Additional factors that influence motor performance : Intellectual testing ; Speech, language, and audition testing : Articulation testing ; Language testing ; Auditory testing. Social development testing ; Relationship to motor performance ; Medical evaluation and information : Medication ; Nutrition ; Environmental factors -- Strategies for meeting individual needs : The process of learning ; Factors that affect learning ; Individualized instruction ; Part and whole methods ; Explanation and demonstration ; Guided discovery ; Problem solving. Development of appropriate strategies : Techniques for modifying instruction ; Techniques for modifying the learning environment ; Techniques for modifying the activity. Task analysis ; Behavior management : Behavior modification ; Contingency management ; Motivation -- Developing the program plan : Writing goals and performance objectives ; Determining a program plan ; Significance of the IEP : Determining appropriate level of programming ; Activity analysis ; Program planning. Teaching suggestions : Physical impairments ; Learning impairments ; Speech or language impairments ; Deaf and hearing impairments ; Mental retardation ; Emotional/behavioral impairments ; Autism ; Visual impairments ; Health impairments. Successful integration in regular physical education: mainstreaming -- Effective programming: developmental activities : Selecting appropriate activities for developmental needs : Reflex development and inhibition ; Activities for sensory stimulation and discrimination ; Activities for enhancing motor-sensory response ; Activities for enhancing motor patterns and motor skills. Special activities and special equipment : Angels-in-the-snow ; Animal walks ; Balance beam (walking board) activities ; Balance board ; Hula hoops/carpet squares ; Parachute ; Ropes ; Scooterboard ; T-stool ; Tin can stilts ; Trampoline/rebounder ; Wrestling games -- Applying motor skills n culturally determined forms of movement : Aquatics ; Water adjustment ; Breath control ; Body control ; Basic skills ; Swimming skills ; Creative movement ; Group activities ; Conditioning. Dance/Rhythms ; Fitness (conditioning) activities : Games and sports ; Relaxation activities ; Stunts. Therapeutic activities : Exercises for arthritis ; Asthmatic exercise program ; Deep-breathing exercises ; Miscellaneous activities. Therapeutic exercises ; Weight training : Free weights. Childbirth training : Prenatal ; Post natal -- Education through physical activity : Cognitive learning : Teaching cognitive skills ; Teaching concepts ; Problem solving ; Memory activities ; Encouraging creativity. Language development : Verbalization/vocalization by students ; Identification and naming ; Reinforcement of language concepts through movement ; Use of sensory channels ; Using language games. Socialization ; Affective learning -- Program organization : Planning ; Equipment : Selecting equipment ; Modifying equipment ; Minimal equipment ; Making equipment ; Resources. Facilities : Accessibility ; Outdoor facilities ; Indoor facilities ; Using available space -- The team approach: working with educational personnel : The team approach ; The multidisciplinary team : Probably team members. Requirements for interdisciplinary interaction : Communication: the prerequisite ; Human qualities. The adapted physical educator as a resource person ; Inservice training : Audience analysis ; Motivation ; Using visual media. Integrating students into regular programs -- Beyond the schoolyard fence : Professional services : Therapeutic recreation ; Dentistry ; Pediatrics ; Psychiatry. Other services available in the community : Social work ; Rehabilitation counseling ; Art therapy ; Music therapy ; Dance therapy. Community organizations ; Private organizations ; Sports organizations : Historical perspective ; Special events ; The teacher's role. The home : Values ; Methods of communication ; Home programs. The community: normalization and mainstreaming ; Using volunteers : The successful use of volunteers ; Helping volunteers to help the adapted physical educator  
تاریخ ثبت در بانک 21 اردیبهشت 1399