کد bk-28018  
نوع کاغذی  
عنوان Therapeutic dance/movement : expressive activities for older adults  
نویسنده Erna Caplow-Lindner  
ناشر Human Sciences Press  
محل نشر New York  
سال انتشار 1979میلادی  
نوبت چاپ 1  
تعداد جلد 1  
زبان انگلیسی  
قطع وزیری  
Includes bibliographical references (pages 261-267) and index

1. Theoretical considerations. Sociological implications of aging : Attitudes of society toward the aged ; Position of the aged in the United States ; Recent developments concerning the elderly ; Population statistics of the elderly ; Economic status of the aged ; Mental health of the aged ; Elderly life-style options ; Services for the independent aged ; Services for the institutionalized aged ; Future training needs -- Background of therapeutic movement : Historical development of therapeutic dance ; Definition of dance therapy ; Special needs of the aging for dance therapy ; Purposes of therapeutic movement sessions for the elderly -- Unique approaches with geriatric clients : Special therapeutic viewpoint toward geriatric groups ; Differences between physical therapy, exercise sessions, and therapeutic dance/movement ; Criteria for selection of content ; Necessity for clarification of goals ; Goals of the older adult for rhythmic activity programs ; Therapeutic goals of the professional for geriatric dance/movement programs -- Characteristics of the geriatric population : The aging syndrome ; Physical manifestations of aging ; Physical limitations ; Psychological manifestations of aging ; Characteristics of the institutionalized aged ; Specific geriatric physical conditions -- 2. Organization of the geriatric dance/movement program. General considerations for establishing a program : Administrative support ; Responsibilities of the geriatric dance leader-therapist ; Diversity of settings and participants ; Medical considerations ; Title for dance/movement activity sessions ; Size of therapeutic group ; Scheduling of sessions ; Program reinforcement and motivation ; Record keeping and departmental reports -- Qualifications for a geriatric dance leader-therapist : Training or preparation ; Personality characteristics ; Technique of presentation -- Facilities and physical environment -- Role of aids or assistants

3. General overview of the session. Value of structure for the session basic format -- Specific suggestions for session organization -- Suggested approaches for specific disabilities -- Guidelines for the leader-therapist -- 4. Physical activities for the therapeutic dance/movement session. The opening (greeting) -- Movement activities : Purpose of "warm-up" activities ; Precautions regarding warm-up and exercises ; Value of diversity ; Use of imagery -- Suggested sequences of exercise progressions : Energetic activities for active, independent older citizens ; Moderate activities for partially disabled and relatively restricted older people ; Mild activities for the seriously disabled and inform elderly ; Assisted activities for severely regressed, depressed, and disabled patients -- Breathing : Values of correct breathing ; Relationship of breathing to emotional states ; Breathing techniques -- Relaxation : Importance of relaxation ; Suggestions for conscious relaxation ; Relaxation techniques -- Massage : Benefits of massage in therapeutic movement sessions ; Suggestions for geriatric massage ; Massage techniques -- 5. Expressive and creative activities for the therapeutic dance/movement session. Creative expression : The importance of expressive and creative activities ; Cautions for the use of free expression ; Values of adapted dance patterns ; Guidelines for adapting dance for the elderly -- Instructions for nineteen adapted dance patterns -- Other suggestions for adapted dances -- Mimetic action plays -- Use of music for free expression and channeled response -- Use of objects for socialization, personal expression, and physical mobility -- Images for self-expression -- Music instruments and rhythm games : Importance of rhythm games : Importance of rhythm instruments ; Types of appropriate rhythm instruments ; Playing rhythm instruments ; Rhythm games

6. Issues of concern to the older adult. Guidance by the leader-therapist -- General health and safety issues : Significance of body alignment ; Sitting considerations ; Carrying and lifting precautions ; Hints for pushing and pulling ; Importance of securing assistance ; Precautions for bathing -- Special aids and activities for arthritis, stroke, Parkinson's disease, incontinence, and digestive difficulties -- Techniques for activities of daily living : Getting into a chair ; Getting out of a chair ; Climbing steps ; Lifting an oject ; Getting into a bathtub ; Getting out of a bathtub ; Recommended sleep positions ; Arising from sleep ; Getting into a car ; Getting out of a car -- Specific questions and responses -- 7. Accompaniment and equipment resources. Criteria for selection : Music for accompanying exercise and creative activities ; Characteristics of appropriate rhythm instruments -- Lists of suggested music : For opening and closing of sessions ; For exercise accompaniment -- List of suggested rhythm instruments and musical collections : Rhythm instruments ; Recorded collections of music -- List of objects and equipment -- Sources of musical instruments distributors of dance books and recordings -- Recordings -- 8. Evaluation and justification of program. Purposes of record keeping -- Problems of evaluation and record keeping -- Anecdotal records : Examples of notations from logs ; Specific remarks and quotations -- Ability assessments -- Questionnaires to determine participant response : Results of questionnaires answered by staff members ; Results of questionnaires answered by clients -- Recommendations for future evaluation -- Notes -- Selected references : Books ; Pamphlets ; Journals -- Periodicals -- Organizations concerned with dance and/or geriatrics
page (93-124) are physically missing  
تاریخ ثبت در بانک 19 اردیبهشت 1399