کد bk-26994  
نوع کاغذی  
عنوان Job search handbook for people with disabilities  
نویسنده Daniel J Ryan  
ناشر IN : Jist  
محل نشر Indianapolis  
سال انتشار 2000میلادی  
نوبت چاپ 1  
تعداد جلد 1  
زبان انگلیسی  
قطع وزیری  
چکیده Includes index

Goes beyond the interview to include nogotiating salary and asking for special accommodations in the work environment

Preparing for Your Job Search -- Assessing Your Skills, Abilities, and Goals -- Exercises for Self-Assessment -- Career Assessment Instruments -- Exploring Careers -- Targeting Specific Occupations to Research -- Sources of Information -- Evaluating the Possibilities -- More Preparation: Experiential Education, Assertiveness Training, and Public Speaking Skills -- Experiential Education -- Assertiveness -- Public Speaking -- Marketing Yourself to Potential Employers -- Creating Your Resume -- Dissecting the Resume -- What Shouldn't Go on Your Resume? -- Scannable Resumes -- Resume Aesthetics -- Resumes and the Internet -- Writing a Great Cover Letter -- Getting Started with Contact Info -- Answer Three Important Questions -- Finishing the Letter -- Format Tips -- Sample Cover Letters for Different Situations -- Online Cover Letter Help -- Applying and Interviewing for Jobs -- Networking and Mentors -- Networking--a Numbers Game -- Establishing a Network -- Finding a Mentor -- Other Ways to Generate Job Leads -- Using the Newspaper to Find Leads -- Employment Agencies -- U.S. Department of Labor -- College Career Centers -- State Vocational Rehabilitation Offices -- Internet Leads -- Trade Publications -- Managing Your Job Search -- Tracking Contacts -- Time Management -- Applying for Jobs -- Networking -- Sending a Resume and Cover Letter -- Applying Online -- Filling Out a Written Application Form -- Summing It Up -- Preparing for the Interview -- Doing Your Research -- Accessibility Issues -- Rehearsing for the Interview -- Disclosing Your Disability -- Interviewing Styles -- The Day of the Interview -- Second Interviews -- Some Online Interviewing Resources -- After the Interview -- Writing Thank-You Letters -- Following Up Via the Phone -- Sometimes You're the Windshield; Sometimes You're the Bug: Handling Rejection -- The Uneven Playing Field -- Negotiating the Offer -- Succeeding at Work -- Keeping the Job -- Having the Right Attitude -- Succeeding at Office Politics -- Looking for Projects -- Fitting in and Succeeding with a Disability -- Normalizing Your Disability for Your Peers and Coworkers -- Being Ready for the Next Opportunity When It Presents Itself -- Accommodating Your Disability on the Job -- Real-Life Sample Accommodations -- Sample Disability-Specific Accommodations from the Job Accommodation Network -- Job Links from the President's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities  
تاریخ ثبت در بانک 24 فروردین 1399