کد jr-37798  
عنوان اول The Risk and Crisis Management Relation between Local Authorities and Disabled People  
نویسنده Jörgen Sparf  
عنوان مجموعه Finding Opportunities in Crisis  
نوع کاغذی  
ناشر Brill  
سال چاپ 2013میلادی  
شماره صفحه (از) 139  
شماره صفحه (تا) 148  
زبان انگلیسی  
comment A majority of the public risk and crisis management in Sweden has recently been relocated from the national level to the local. The local municipal administration hence has been forced to integrate this new responsibility with existing services. One such service is the local healthcare administering the care for disabled people and the elderly. A research project consisting of four quantitative and qualitative empirical studies examined (1) the perception and sense making of risk and crises among disabled people and (2) the organising of risk and crisis management within the local administration. The purpose of the project was to gain knowledge about the relational properties of the municipality and disabled inhabitants regarding risk and crisis. The results from the studies show that the influence from social capital on risk perception is significant for disabled people and that disabled people constantly apply risk remedial strategies in everyday life. The local authorities have so far not been able to integrate the risk and crisis management with the healthcare sector and the healthcare sector is not well prepared in terms of training and knowledge. Further, the framing of risks and crises differs significantly between different positions within the health care administration. The conclusions from the project are that the relocation of the public risk and crisis management are victimised by unclear regulation auditory subjugation and that the organisational integration suffers from cultural divergence and disconnection between different departments. The conclusions point at a need to balance the risk and crisis management with knowledge from a bottom-up perspective and to strengthen the organisational capabilities capacity of considering the individual vulnerabilities and capabilities in risks and crises among a heterogeneous collection of welfare receivers.

تاریخ ثبت در بانک 25 مرداد 1399