کد jr-35696  
عنوان اول Executive Impairments  
نویسنده Jon Evans  
عنوان مجموعه Neurobehavioural Disability and Social Handicap Following Traumatic Brain Injury  
نوع کاغذی  
ناشر Psychology Press  
سال چاپ 2001میلادی  
زبان انگلیسی  
comment This chapter focuses on the functions that are required for effective problem solving and goal/task management. It draws on the models; the processes included are those necessary for planning, for initiating actions, and for monitoring actions against an intended goal. A hierarchical cluster analysis was also used to examine which tests were used to examine which executive functions, which reduced the 50 different terms to a set of 18 constructs. Even if an assessment has identified evidence of executive impairment it is important to consider whether other cognitive or emotional difficulties are impacting on a person's functioning and may be affecting their ability to achieve the rehabilitation goals. In situations where a person has some awareness of difficulties it is important to consider whether the level of impairment is such that they may be able to engage in learning meta-cognitive strategies and whether they are likely to implement them in everyday situations.

تاریخ ثبت در بانک 29 تیر 1399